Thursday, October 25, 2012

Just the Beginning- Chapter 2

    Nicki woke up bright and early for her first day. She showered, brushed her teeth and combed out her long, beautiful curly hair. Her mom walks in. "Nicki, I see you're all pumped up. Remember what I said ok?" "Mom, I sure do remember." Nicki answered. "I'm glad. Now go downstairs and eat something." Nicki walked downstairs and sat down in her elegant dining room. "Mom?" Nicki asked. "What happened? Why you sound so down? Is it that Drake boy again?" her mom asked. "Sadly yes. I don't know, I just feel some type of way." Nicki said. "So what is this type of way you're feeling?" her mom asked, worried. "I'm nervous. I wanted to date home but that won't happen in a million years." Nicki answered. "I'm sure he'll recognize you and fall in love with you. Just be patient and take it one step at a time. If that doesn't work, just let it be." her mom warned. "Okay mother. It's almost 8:30. I have to go." Nicki said. She grabbed a cookie out of the cookie jar, ate it and ran to her bus stop. She got on the bus and her eyes first laid on Drake. "Hey Nicki." people on the bus said. They would give her hi gives and hugs. They even complimented on how nice she smelled. "Hey Drake." Nicki greeted as she sat on the next empty seat. "Hey Nicki, you still going after me?" Drake asked. "Yeah, hopefully I succeed." Nicki joked. But she wasn't joking. "This is a nice dress. And you're sandals too." Drake complimented. Nicki blushed. "Thanks Drake." Nicki said. She hugged him.

    Everyone was headed into the school. Nicki went to her locker that had her name on it. She watched Drake walked to his locker. But, she saw another girl come up to him. She kissed him on the cheek. "Oh hell no." Nicki thought. She rushed and got her books and abruptly shut her locker. "Who was that girl that kissed you and what's her name?" Nicki asked. "You're not gonna get jealous are you?" Drake asked. "No." she lied. "She's my girlfriend. I met her over the summer. Her name is Tami." "Oh, well congrats." Nicki said, sarcastically. "Thanks, I'm surprised you're so happy."  "Yeah, what a surprise." Nicki walked away in despair. "Nicki what happened?" her friend Harriet asked. "Nothing." Nicki said. "Oh, your future?" Harriet asked. "What future?" Nicki asked. "Drake!" Harriet said. "Yeah, some other bitch is dating him now." Nicki said. "Ok sassy ass." Harriet said. "I'm not being sassy. I'm just a little depressed." "Or just jealous?" "Harriet I'm not jealous." Harriet stared at her. "Ok maybe a little." Harriet kept staring. "Fine I'm jealous!" Nicki said. "Well, do something like drink a potion!" Harriet said. "Harriet, do you think that shit is real?" Nicki asked. "Yeah, I practice witchcraft." Harriet said. "Well, pray to God that he blesses your soul." Nicki said in anger.  "Ok Miss Sassy Ass, we'll  talk at lunch. "
 It was painful to sit and think about this girl that was possibly going to ruin her life. Sitting in her classes in despair. As lunch came, her and Harriet met up. "So, what is this potion shit you was talking about?" Nicki asked. Harriet took it out her lunch box. To Nicki, it was some normal bottle of water. "Girl this is fucking water!" Nicki said. "No, when you go home drink it. It's going to be a full moon tonight. Drink it at 11:11 pm. You will become a guy magnet. I mean you already are but more of a seductress." Harriet said. "I don't wanna be some slut. Forget it." Nicki said. "Then you get no Drake." "Ok gimme the damn bottle." Harriet gave Nicki the bottle.  "It's better than being single and miserable."

  Nicki went onto the bus as her first day of school was finished. She watched Drake and his new girl in jealousy. When she got off the bus, she walked in and her mother greeted her. "How was school?" her mom asked. "It was great! And I haven't talked to Drake really.@ Nicki lied. "Well ok, that's good." "I'm going to start on my homework." Nicki said. She sat in her room until night. She was looking at tv and watching the clock. By the time 11:11 came, she gulped down the potion. The full moon was out. As she drank it, she felt it. She threw the bottle on the ground. "This bitch wasn't lying." She climbed out her room window and ran from her house.

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