Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I Know What You Did and I'm Not Finished-Chapter 8

    As Nicki walked in the school hallways, she confronted Harriet. "Oh hey Nicki. So my boyfriend told me something." Harriet said. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Nicki asked. "Hmm, let's just say that you are a slut. You had sex with my boyfriend." "You gave me a bottle to drink. That's all I remember. I don't recall having sex with your fucking boyfriend. I didn't even know you had a boyfriend because you are a witch." "You're calling me a witch now? I thought we were cool? I thought we were friends?" "Friends don't set up others." Nicki said. "I also heard you had sex with Malik, Drake and some Wayne person." "No I didn't where the fuck did you get this from?" "The people who you seduced." "You fucking bitch, you need God!" "I have to go. We will handle this after school." Nicki walked away.

      After school, Nicki got on the bus and saw Drake by himself. "What happened to your girl Drake?" Nicki asked. "You gave her head injury." "No I didn't." "Yes you did." "Well I don't recall doing that." "It's ok Nicki, I'm glad you're ok and Tami's gonna be fine too." They have each other friendly hugs. "Nic, sit with me." Drake offered. "Really no, I don't want to make myself look like a whore." "No, sit. We are just friends." Nicki decided to sit down with Drake. Nicki cuddled next to him. "I'm cold." Nicki complained. When Nicki finally got off the bus, she became tired and fainted at the door. "Nicki?" her mom asked. Her mother checked to see if she was still breathing and yet she was. "Mom, I'm fine, I'm just feeling weak and I have a headache." Nicki answered weakly. "Come on, go upstairs to your room and watch some television." her mother said.

      She was able to go upstairs to her room. She decided to call Harriet and confront her again. "Hello?" Harriet answered. "You remember you said we'd handle this after school?" Nicki asked. "Um yeah, what were you saying?" Harriet asked. "Don't play with me." "What do you mean? What are are you talking about?" "Don't play stupid ass with me!" Nicki said. "Could you refresh my memory and not be such a sassy ass?" "You said I had sex with your boyfriend and three others." "Um, you did. Everyone knows about it." "So you fucking set me up? By making me drink some potion that failed to work the way you expected? Answer me bitch!" Nicki yelled. "I'd rather be a bitch than a slut." "I'm not a slut! Bitch, I think you did it cause you were jealous of me. Yeah, you just jealous!" "Why should I be jealous? I use magic in my everyday life!" "Yeah, to ruin other people's life." "Ok, I have potion that really works. Use it when you need to." "No bitch, you can't be trusted. I should tell everyone at school that you tried to set me up, all because your just jealous." "I promise this potion actually works!" Harriet said. "Tell it to someone who fucking cares!" Nicki hung up the phone and it rang again. "But please it works, I'm not lying." "Did you not hear me? I don't care. No fucks given." She hung up and sat there. She suddenly ran out of breath after yelling at Harriet. Nicki changed into an all black outfit and black boots. She put on black lipstick again. While she was putting on her lipstick, she fainted to the floor. "Thump!" was the sound as she fainted unconscious onto the ground.

    Nicki was rushed to the hospital due to migrane headache and she was out of air. She was taken to the emergency room. Few minutes later, she opened her eyes and saw a female counterpart that looked exactly like her, but had a more seductive appearance. "I'm not done yet Nicki. It's not over yet." she said. "Who the fuck are you?" she whispered. "Remember me? Rosaline?" "Ugh, leave." "I'm back for a reason." Rosaline said. She entered her body again. Rosaline wasn't done yet.

                                         The End

Monday, October 29, 2012

Relaspe and Recovery- Chapter 7

        It hasn't been 48 hours and Nicki's pupils turn black. She had found herself strapped down into a chair. Demonic screams started filling up the room. The priest ran into the room. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, YOU STUPID ASS CUNT?" she yelled. "Shut up. I command you to shut up!" the priest yelled. Nicki began to laugh demonically. Somehow, she was able to break out of the chair and attack. Nicki's long nails came in contact with the priest's skin. He had a cut on his face. It was bleeding. Her black lips met with his lips. She was eventually pushed to the ground and strapped down into the chair. "HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME!" Nicki screamed. "Shut your mouth demon! What is your name? Reveal yourself!" he commanded. "ROSALINE, THAT'S MY NAME. WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT TO KNOW YOU FUCKING CUNT?" The priest flicked holy water at her and she began screaming. "STOP STOP STOP!!" she screamed. Nicki screamed so demonically, it sounded like someone was getting murdered. Rosaline kept fighting back. She was the one controlling Nicki. She stopped screaming and she asked the priest, "I'm too naughty for you?"  Rosaline asked. She seductively licked her lips. Then she laughed. The priest flicked holy water again. "STOP YOU FUCKING BITCH! I WANT YOUR FUCKING CUM!" Rosaline yelled. He kept flicking at her. The more holy water he flicked, the more vulgar things she said. "DO IT AGAIN AND I'LL MURDER YOUR WIFE!" The priest kept flicking at her. "YOU BITCH ASS NIGGA! I BET YOUR DICK IS NOT BIG ENOUGH FOR ME!"

     "You are a sick spirit. God commands you to leave this young lady alone and never come back!" the priest said. "IM NOT LEAVING! GO EAT SHIT!" Rosaline yelled. He put the cross to her head to get rid of the sexual demon that was controlling Nicki.  She spit on the priest's face. "THAT'LL TEACH YOU." Rosaline said. Drake appeared. She turned to see him. "Come here, I want you inside of me." Rosaline moaned. She moaned to turn him on. "Come here." she moaned. She kissed him and  it left a black lip mark from her black lipstick. "No, you can't do this." Drake said. Nicki began to growl. "WHY? YOU PREFER TO GO OUT WITH THAT OTHER BITCH OF YOURS?" "Nicki, you aren't like this. I thought you were sweet." Drake said. The priest got up and put the cross to her head. Rosaline screamed and the lights began to flicker on and off. "GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!" "In the name of the Lord, I command you to leave the body of this beautiful young lady!" the priest commanded. The lights were off and Rosaline let off one last scream before leaving Nicki's body. The lights came back on and Nicki woke up. Her eyes were back to her natural brown color. "What the hell?" Nicki asked. The priest spilled holy water on her to make sure Rosaline was gone. "What am I doing here?" Nicki asked. "Nicki, are you okay?" Drake asked. She was freed from the chair and ran to give Drake a friendly hug. "I know my mom is worried about me." Nicki said. "I'll take you home ok. You need to rest." Drake said. The priest said, "May god bless Nicki. May Rosaline, return to hell."

        Drake and Nicki decided to go into a cab. "Nicki, do you remember anything?" Drake asked. "No, all I remember is Harriet, and her giving me a bottle. After that, I didn't remember anything." Nicki answered. "I'll carry you inside ok?" Drake said. "Alright." Drake entered the house and her mother was watching television in the living room. "What happened to my poor baby?" her mother said. Drake laid her down on the couch to sleep.  "Don't cry, I'll explain it all." Drake said. "What happened?" "Your daughter was possessed. No lie." "Is she blessed?" "Yeah, she's healed." "I'm glad my baby is ok." Drake said goodbye and left the house. Nicki woke up and saw her mother. "Mom!" she yelled. She hugged her tightly as if they didn't see each other in years. "I'm so glad you are ok and free." "I don't have any idea of what you mean but I miss you." "Now go get cleaned up and get some rest."

      Nicki went upstairs and got herself cleaned up and rested. By Monday morning she was upset wit Harriet. "I think Harriet set me up." Nicki said to herself.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Remission-Chapter 6


       Nicki laid unconscious for five minutes. Then, she stood up on her feet and levitated. Drake and Tami were watching in horror. The priest held up a golden cross in front of her. She gently was back on her feet. "YOU FUCKING WHORES! YOU ARE ALL FAGGOTS! YOUR MOTHER IS A WHORE!" Nicki screamed. The priest flicked holy water at her again. She screamed loudly. "FUCKING BITCH!" Nicki growled. She pushed the priest into a trash can. She pushed the hospital bed into him and was brutally injured. "Nicki!" Drake yelled. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU NEVER WANTED ME! YOU WANTED THAT OTHER BITCH YOU'RE STANDING WITH!" Nicki screamed. Then, objects began flying across the room. Tami was brutally hit in the head with glass. Nicki calmed down. Her voice changed into a very seductive voice. She walked up to Drake and whispered in his ear. "I want you." she whispered seductively. "Get away Nicki." Drake warned. "No, not if you let me do my thing. We could be together forever, now that your girlfriend is gone." She unzipped his pants and started suckling him. "Your girl couldn't do this, but I could." Drake was moaning in pleasure. "That's right, moan for me." Drake realized that Nicki was suckling him and he pushed her away and fixed himself. Nicki screamed demonically. "FUCK YOU!" she screamed.

     She lifted up her skirt and started fingering herself in front Drake. "I know you want me." she said.   Nicki laughed evilly as she was fingering herself. Drake called in for help. "What happened to the priest?" a psychologist asked. Nicki got up and kissed the psychologist and played with him. The psychologist grabbed Nicki and began screaming. Drake knew she needed serious help. Nicki left the center and she was taken to a different priest. "Who are you?" the priest asked. Nicki had cleaned up herself and changed into a black wig. She wore an all black outfit and of course, exposing cleavage. She slowly lifted her head up and in her normal voice she said, "Nicki." She devilishly smiled. "You liar!" the priest yelled. "How the hell could I be lying?" Nicki asked. She moved closer to the priest, try to reach for the zipper. The priest slapped her hand. Nicki began to demonically growl. The priest stood up and threw holy water. She got upset and tried to attack. "YOU PIECE OF SHIT! YOU ARE A WHORE AND SO IS YOUR WIFE!" she screamed. Her eyes changed color and her pupils got bigger. "YOU FUCKING SLUT!" she screamed. The priest was confused by why she was blurting out random insults. "Sit down!" the priest yelled. "NO!" Nicki yelled. He put the cross to her head and she moved violently. She was able to knock it out of his hand. "Why are you doing this to this young lady?" the priest asked. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUNG LADY YOUR TALKING ABOUT." Nicki answered. "I heard you had sex with four different men. Is it true?" "YES IT'S TRUE AND IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUISNESS." The priest kept attacking her with holy water. She screamed and gagged. "LET ME EAT YOUR CUM!" she yelled. The priest stared at her in confusion. "God, please let this evil, promiscuous spirit out of this young lady." he prayed. "SHUT THE FUCK UP. GOD CAN'T DO SHIT!" she screamed. The priest had no choice. He took the whole bottle of holy water and spilled it all over her. "NO STOP NO! IT BURNS YOU STUPID FUCKING WHORE!" He took the cross and put it in her face. She knocked it out of his hand again. She then levitated. Her voice became more seductive again. "If you let me have you, I won't kill your wife." she said. She landed in front of him and kissed him with her black lips. "You can't have me. I'm taken." "I don't care, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! GO SUCK A BIG FAT DICK!" The priest had more holy water. He spilled many bottles of it on her. She eventually died down. She woke up, wondering what happened and how'd she end up with a priest. She was laying down in a bed. "Where am I?" Nicki asked. "Do you remember anything?" he asked. "No, I don't know you or remember anything." Nicki said in her lovely voice. "You're gonna have to stay with me for 48 hours to make sure you're normal." he said. "I'm fine now, I don't know what happened." "It'll be fine." the priest said.._

Possession-Chapter 5

          They were driven to the hospital, thanks to Drake's mother. They walked in and saw Tami laying there on the hospital bed with a cast on. She was badly hurt. "Tami, where's the wheelchair?" Drake asked. "I did use it, just to navigate." Tami answered. "It'll be okay, be thankful you are alive." Drake said. Nicki's thoughts were bothering her. She became jealous. "Why are you alive?" Nicki wondered. Her phone rang. It was Harriet calling. "Hey Harriet." Nicki said. "Hey! Did the potion work?" Harriet asked. "Hell yeah, I am a seductress." "Nicki, I've noticed something weird about my boyfriend. Did you do something to him?" "No silly, that's your man, not mine." Nicki lied. "Um, ok just making sure. Where are you?" "Hospital." Harriet gasped. "Are you hurt?" "No, Drake's girlfriend." "Did you hurt her because you were jealous?" "No." "You're chuckling. You're lying." "No girl, I'm telling the truth." "Ok, I have to go. My mom wants me. Bye." Nicki abruptly hung up. " Drake, where are you going?" Nicki asked. "To get a soda for Tami. Do you want one?" Drake asked. "No thanks." Nicki answered. Drake left and Nicki stayed behind. Nicki found some anesthesia and she put it into a needle. She stood right next to Tami. "Nicki, it's amazing to see you." Tami said. Nicki's pupils dilated. Tami got scared. Nicki took the needle and injected it into Tami's neck. She put her on a stretcher and pushed her down the hospital stairs. Nicki smiled. She ran to Drake and pretended nothing happened. "Could you come with me to the bathroom?" Nicki asked. "Um ok, sure I don't know why." She dragged Drake into the bathroom. She began kissing all over him. "You're mine now." Nicki whispered seductively. "No, what did you do with Tami?" Drake said. "She's in good hands." Nicki said. As Drake saw her pupils dilate and change color, she got scared. "Oh shit, you get the fuck away from me!" Drake yelled. Her short black manicured grew longer. "What did you do with my girlfriend?" Drake yelled. "I'm the one who flooded the bathroom. I had sex with three other people!" Nicki yelled. Drake noticed something wasn't right with Nicki. "Nicki, this can't be right. You're possessed!" Nicki stared at him. "We need to see what's up with you, as soon as possible." "You can't do that! I just want you. You're mine!" Nicki screamed. "No you aren't! I'm taken and I bet those three others you fucked were taken too." Drake said. Nicki bent down on her knees, looking sickly. "Carry me. Carry me!" Nicki yelled. "No." "Then I'll kill your girlfriend!" Nicki then fell to the ground. She started moving and having muscle spasms. Drake shed a tear. She picked her up and began screaming for help. "I need help! There's a sick patient!" Drake cooed. Doctors came up to handle Nicki. "Get the fuck away! I don't know you!" Nicki screamed. She kicked one of the doctors and ran free. Another set of hospital doctors ran to her and grabbed her. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU WHORE. YOUR MOTHER IS A WHORE!" she screamed. Nicki was injected and put to sleep.

          While for Harriet, she tried calling Nicki back. "I feel guilty. That fucking drink!" Harriet said. She fell back on her bed and called Drake. "What's up? Nicki is not answering her phone." Harriet said. "You don't wanna know what happened to her." "She's my friend, I need to know!" "She's possessed." "Posssessed?" "Yeah, this shit is just crazy." "I'll call you back." Harriet said.

       Nicki was laying down in a bed in a psychological center. Drake was there with her. He was calling Tami. "Tami, Nicki is possessed." "Drake, this is ridiculous!" Tami yelled. "No, it's true. She tried to kill you. Would you mind coming to see her?" "Ok baby, I'll be there. What's the address?" "The address is 1599 Fern Breech Road. Call a cab." Tami calls a cab. Nicki wakes up weakly hissing. "Nicki, what are you hissing about?" She kept hissing. She turned her face towards Drake. "Why are you here?" Nicki asked. "I helped you. You were in danger." "You... YOU FUCKING CUNT!" Nicki yelled. She tried to get up and attack Drake. "Help!" Drake yelled. A psychologist came in and put her in a straight jacket. She was calm again. Somehow, she escaped out of the jacket. She walked out of the room and saw Tami entering the center. Nicki punched her in the face and grabbed her by her hair. Tami tried fighting back but she didn't really want to hurt her. Nicki was grabbed and put back in the room. "Sir, I think Nicki happens to be possessed. We have to call in a priest." the psychologist said. "That will be fine. I pray she will be saved." Drake and Tami hugged each other. "I hope she is ok." Tami said. "She's gonna be fine."

          The priest comes in to the room that Nicki is in. Nicki is still possessed. "Hello." the priest greeted. "Who the fuck are you?" Nicki yelled. "A priest." "Shut the fuck up! I fucking hate you! Get the fuck out and go to hell!" Nicki screamed. The priest flicked a portion of holy water in her face. "It burns! Get the fuck away from me!" Her voice wasn't her sweet and lovely voice that everyone would love to hear. Her voice was demonic and horrifying. Her eyes changed color from her natural brown to a yellow cat like eye color. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!" she screamed. The priest kept getting Nicki to say prayers and everything but she would attack. Then, he just started asking questions. "Who are you and what's your name?" "I don't have a name, I just want you." the priest became confused. She kissed him on the lips, forcing him to participate. Then he pushed her. "Back away demon!" he yelled. Nicki fell onto the ground, unconscious. She threw up black stuff. Drake ran in and stood over her. So did Tami. "Nicki?" Drake cried.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Love & Lust- Chapter 4

      Nicki sat there playing in Drake's pants. "So uh, why are you doing this?" Drake asked. "I don't know, you decided to date that girl. Tami is her name right?" Nicki answered. "Yeah, why you ask?" "She's been saying lots of shit about you." Drake sat up and his tone changed. "Like what?" "She really doesn't love you. She's in love with somebody else. I don't know his name but she just doesn't love you." Nicki said. "Oh really, so she's being a bitch?" Nicki nodded. She french kissed him. She put her tounge into his mouth. "You smell so sweet." Drake said. "Thanks." She proceeded to pull down his pants up to his knees, in case someone walked in on them. Drake pushed himself into her. Nicki tried not to moan, but the pleasure was too much to handle. She moaned quietly as possibly. Nicki was riding him harder and harder. "Do you know how long I've wanted this baby?" Nicki asked. "I'm enjoying it too." Drake answered. She kissed his lips as he was being straddled. Nicki had came. Drake took himself out of her and came. Nicki bent down and sucked him like it was a baby bottle. "It tastes so fucking good." Nicki moaned. She licked him underneath and unbuttoned his shirt. "Goddamn Nicki, I might get rid of my girlfriend for you." Drake said. Nicki licked his ear and kissed his neck. "You made the right choice then." Nicki said. Drake and Nicki calmed down and got redressed and cleaned up. "I'll walk you home." Nicki said. "Let me go check on my girl first." Nicki gave him a dirty look. "I mean, my ex girl." Drake went upstairs and saw Tami injured. "What happened?" Drake asked. "My leg hurts. Call an ambulance." Tami cried. Nicki chuckled devilishly and ran out of the house.

       It was Saturday. Nicki's appearance seemed normal. "I had some good sex that night." Nicki whispered. She had got herself together and changed her hair to a ginger color. "I could rock this for the weekend." Nicki said. "I need to think about how I should do next. Gosh, I want more." Nicki whispered. Nicki's cellphone rang. It was Drake. "Nicki, my girl is hurt." Drake said. "Yes." Nicki thought. "Aww, how'd she get hurt?" Nicki asked. "I found the bathroom wet and flooded and her leg was hurt bad." "Trust me, it'll get better. Okay?" "Alright, I gotta go. Bye." "Bye." She blew a kiss over the phone and she hung up. "I did it. Drake is mine now." Nicki whispered. She went downstairs  to see her mom. "Good morning mom." Nicki greeted with warmth. "Hello Nicki, good morning to you too." "Mom, do you know the begnning of the school year dance is next Friday?" "Yeah, we'll get your dress next week." "Mom, I love you so much. Would you mind if I make a stop at one of those corner stores? I have money." "Sure, you can get a soda or something. Don't take too long." her mom warned.

       Nicki left out of the house, but she wasn't going to the corner store. She was going to Wayne's house. She knew where he lived so she walked as usual. "Nicki!" "Wayne!" They both hugged and embraced. "We are hugging each other like we are long lost brothers." Wayne said. "Why don't you come to school?" Nicki asked. "I do go to school, just a different school." "Yeah right." "Where are your parents?" "Not here yet." "Ok, are you single?" "No, I have a girl named Valerie but she moved." "It'll be fine, have you visited her?" Nicki asked. She began playing with his dreads. "Nicki, what do you think you're doing?" "Just keep quiet." She kissed him on the lips. "No, no we can't do this." Wayne said. "One day wouldn't be bad. Now wouldn't it. Your girlfriend is gone." Nicki laughed devilishly. "Damn Nicki, one day wouldn't be bad. She unzipped his pants. "Are you sure about this?" "I'm 100% sure baby." She bent down and sucked him. "So tasty." Nicki moaned. "Nicki, I'm thinking about getting with you." "Trust me, you don't want to." Nicki said. "Spread your legs open." Nicki spread her legs open and he put himself into her. "Wayne, you need to go faster." Wayne went faster until Nicki began screaming and yelling out of pleasure. "Wayne, Wayne." she kept screaming. Wayne took himself out of her and came. He squirted on her face. "Mmm." Nicki moaned. There was a knock at the door. They quickly cleaned up and redressed and Nicki left through the back of his house. "That was close." She stopped at the corner store and went home.

      Later that day, she was able to go to Drake's house. "How's Tami?" Drake asked. "Not very well, she had to wear a cast and sit in a wheelchair but it's temporary." "Hmph." Nicki got a little jealous. "Can I go visit her?" Nicki asked. "Sure, I was just about to go there." They decided to visit Tami who is hurt. "This bitch need to go." Nicki thought. Something was going to go down.

Chapter 3- Promiscuous Girl

       Nicki was walking in the city and it was a very beautiful night. She felt the need to be with someone. "Ok, I need to go to Harriet's house." Nicki thought. She knew just where to go. Once she reached her house, she knocked on the door. "Oh hi, what are you doing here?" Harriet asked. Nicki stared into her eyes dumbfoundedly. "Shit, I think that drink messed you up." Harriet said. "Ok come in, my parents aren't here yet. They just left." Nicki sat on the couch, saying nothing. "So, why aren't you talking?" Harriet asked. Nicki shrugged her shoulders. "You don't know. Why can't you get over the fact that Drake is happy?" Harriet asked. "What do you mean? I can't let some other bitch take him." Nicki said, her voice getting angrier. "It'll be fine. Want to meet my boyfriend? He's really cute." Harriet offered. "Sure, let's go. Where is he?" Nicki asked. He's upstairs in my bedroom come on!" Harriet said with excitement. She and Nicki walked upstairs to her room and saw her boyfriend, Harry. "Congrats Harriet, your boyfriend is hella cute." Nicki said. "Ok, you guys go talk to each other and I'll be downstairs if you need me." Harriet said. Harriet went downstairs to finish some chores.

     "You and Harriet are so lucky." Nicki said. Harry smiled at her a bit. He had nice brown hair, his skin so baby soft and hazel eyes. "Thanks, I feel bad for you." Harry said. "What are you trying to say?" Nicki asked. "That you're single. You're probably jealous." Harry answered. "Boy I'm not jealous! I'm happy for you." Nicki said. Nicki moved closer to him. She eventually cuddled him. "Nicki, I have a girl already what are you doing?" Harry asked. "Nothing much. Just feeling a little cold." Nicki said. She closed and locked the door. "No, you can't do this!" Harry said. "Who says that I shouldn't?" Nicki asked. "You are such a crazy whore." Harry said. Nicki slapped him in his face and her pink baby soft lips met with his lips. "It's ok baby." Nicki whispered. "I'm not your baby." Harry said. Nicki unzipped the fly of his pants. "Too late." Nicki said with a seductive smile. "What do you want from me?"  Harry asked, getting ready to sob. "You know anything about Drake?" Nicki asked. "Yeah, he's the popular boy. He's dating someone, according to Harriet. You can't have him either." Harry answered. "Can I have you?" Nicki asked. "Hell no, I'm taken." Harry said. "Since this is how it's gonna be, then I'll fix it." Nicki said. She bent down in front of his legs and slightly removed his pants. "Ok, I guess I'll let you pass." Harry said. "Good thinking." Nicki whispered. She grabbed his penis and started playing around. Harry moaned out of pleasure. "Shh, you don't want your girl to know." Nicki whispered. She stripped off her clothing and his clothing. She put her mouth on his penis and started sucking while he stood there. "You're good, have you done it before?" Harry whispered. "No, I'm a newbie." Nicki answered. "Nicki, do you want me to pop that open?" Harry asked. Nicki nodded and opened her legs. Harry slowly went into her and started thrusting. Nicki covered her mouth so her friend would hear her moaning. "You're fucking me so good Harry." Nicki said. "I don't know, somehow I just got attracted to you." Harry whispered. As Harry was thrusting in and out in her, Nicki was moaning. Harry took his penis out of her and came. "Looks juicy." Nicki said. She licked and sucked on him for one last time before they lost intrest. They quickly got dressed and cleaned up. "Don't tell her." Nicki whispered. "I won't I promise." Harry said. He grabbed her butt and she climbed out of the window.

      The next day at school, Harriet noticed a difference in her friend. Nicki wore more skimpy outfits. "Nicki, your outfit. The short dress, your cleavage, it's so much." Harriet asked. "It's fine." Nicki said. She walked past Harriet's boyfriend while he stared at amazement. Another boy came up to her. "Malik, don't do it." Nicki warned. "No, I was wondering if you would like go out somewhere tonight?" Malik asked. "Sure, but we could just do something else." "Like what?" "I don't know." "I have a girlfriend so you can't be doing any of that kissing and whatnot." "Ok, deal." Nicki walked away to her first class.

       When the day was over, she asked her mom first. "Mom, can I go to Malik's house? He wants me to study with him." "Sure, just as long as you don't do nothing stupid." her mom warned. Nicki smiled. She sprayed more perfume and left with her books. She knew where Malik lived so she walked. She rang the doorbell. "Hey, you look ready. Where's your girlfriend?" Nicki asked. "Not here yet." "Would you mind coming with me for a bit?" Nicki asked. "No, not at all." She and Malik walked to an area with so many trees. It was his backyard. "Nicki, this is my backyard. What's wrong?" Malik asked. "Nothing." Nicki removed her jacket. She teased him with her breasts. "Ok, now you seem plain crazy." She ripped his pants off, leaving him in his underwear. Her pink lips met up with his lips. She shoved her hand down his boxers. "You are so cute, did I ever tell you that?" Nicki whispered to him. He nodded in shock and surprise. She kept playing with him faster until she felt that juicy, whitish liquid. It felt warm on her hands. "Are you going to tell anyone about this. If you do, I'll kill your girlfriend." "No, I don't want my girl friend to die." Malik said. "Good." Nicki said. She removed her hand out of his boxers. "Here are your pants." Nicki said. Malik got a peek underneath her skimpy dress. He decided to put one finger in her. "That feels so good." Nicki moaned. "My girlfriend is probably not this seductive." Malik said. He kept fingering her until she came. Once he was done, Nicki fixed herself. "I didn't expect that from you Nicki." Malik said. "Awe, ok it's fine. Just don't tell your girlfriend. Or I'll kill her." Nicki said. "Ok, are you leaving?" "Yeah, I forgot I had chores to do." Nicki lied. "Ok, bye!" She walked back home around 6pm. "Back so early huh?" her mom asked. "Yeah, you were making dinner." Nicki said. "I'll get started, you finish your homework." Nicki went upstairs to her room. She looked at a picture of Drake and decided to masturbate. All she wanted was Drake, but felt the need to seduce others in order to get to Drake.

        After dinner she decided to sneak out again while her mom was sleep. She was going to Drake's house. She reached Drake's house and rang his doorbell. "Oh hey Nicki." Drake greeted. "This is a nice house." Nicki said. "Thanks." "Where are you going?" "To my girlfriends house. Wanna come?" "Sure, I want to meet your girlfriend too." "She's really nice though. Hopefully you'll be good friends." Nicki didnt want to be friends with his girl. She was basically trying to replace and kill her by seduction. Drake and Nicki were walking in the city. "So, how is it going with you two?" Nicki asked. "Great." Drake answered. They got to her house and his girlfriend Tami opened the door. "Drake, is this a girl that you are trying to be with?" Tami joked. "No just a friend." Drake answered. They laughed together while Nicki watched in disgust. "Can I see your bedroom?" Nicki asked. "Umm, sure. Let me walk you there so we can get to know each other." Tami answered.

     "What's your name?" Nicki asked. "My name is Tami and I know you are Nicki, the most popular girl of the school." Tami was an Asian girl. "Ok so where's the bathroom?" Nicki asked. "Across from the room." She walked her there and Nicki closed the door. Nicki purposely clogged up her bathroom toilet. "This bitch is dating my man. He's mine!" Nicki cried. Nicki walked out of the bathroom like normal. The toilet overflowed and the bathroom began flooding. Tami walked from her room and noticed the bathroom. She tried to fix the toilet but she fell while navigating through the bathroom. She fell and was too hurt to get up. Nicki went downstairs and sat next to Drake. "Nicki, you ready to leave?" "No, I wanted to do something before we left." Nicki said. "No Nicki, we are not." Drake scolded. "Why not?" Nicki asked. She kissed him while taking off his jacket. "Nicki stop right now." "What if I don't want to?" Nicki asked, pushing her hand down his pants.

    "Nicki, don't stop." Drake said after a minute of silence. "That's right Drake. I have so many special things planned for us." Nicki said.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Just the Beginning- Chapter 2

    Nicki woke up bright and early for her first day. She showered, brushed her teeth and combed out her long, beautiful curly hair. Her mom walks in. "Nicki, I see you're all pumped up. Remember what I said ok?" "Mom, I sure do remember." Nicki answered. "I'm glad. Now go downstairs and eat something." Nicki walked downstairs and sat down in her elegant dining room. "Mom?" Nicki asked. "What happened? Why you sound so down? Is it that Drake boy again?" her mom asked. "Sadly yes. I don't know, I just feel some type of way." Nicki said. "So what is this type of way you're feeling?" her mom asked, worried. "I'm nervous. I wanted to date home but that won't happen in a million years." Nicki answered. "I'm sure he'll recognize you and fall in love with you. Just be patient and take it one step at a time. If that doesn't work, just let it be." her mom warned. "Okay mother. It's almost 8:30. I have to go." Nicki said. She grabbed a cookie out of the cookie jar, ate it and ran to her bus stop. She got on the bus and her eyes first laid on Drake. "Hey Nicki." people on the bus said. They would give her hi gives and hugs. They even complimented on how nice she smelled. "Hey Drake." Nicki greeted as she sat on the next empty seat. "Hey Nicki, you still going after me?" Drake asked. "Yeah, hopefully I succeed." Nicki joked. But she wasn't joking. "This is a nice dress. And you're sandals too." Drake complimented. Nicki blushed. "Thanks Drake." Nicki said. She hugged him.

    Everyone was headed into the school. Nicki went to her locker that had her name on it. She watched Drake walked to his locker. But, she saw another girl come up to him. She kissed him on the cheek. "Oh hell no." Nicki thought. She rushed and got her books and abruptly shut her locker. "Who was that girl that kissed you and what's her name?" Nicki asked. "You're not gonna get jealous are you?" Drake asked. "No." she lied. "She's my girlfriend. I met her over the summer. Her name is Tami." "Oh, well congrats." Nicki said, sarcastically. "Thanks, I'm surprised you're so happy."  "Yeah, what a surprise." Nicki walked away in despair. "Nicki what happened?" her friend Harriet asked. "Nothing." Nicki said. "Oh, your future?" Harriet asked. "What future?" Nicki asked. "Drake!" Harriet said. "Yeah, some other bitch is dating him now." Nicki said. "Ok sassy ass." Harriet said. "I'm not being sassy. I'm just a little depressed." "Or just jealous?" "Harriet I'm not jealous." Harriet stared at her. "Ok maybe a little." Harriet kept staring. "Fine I'm jealous!" Nicki said. "Well, do something like drink a potion!" Harriet said. "Harriet, do you think that shit is real?" Nicki asked. "Yeah, I practice witchcraft." Harriet said. "Well, pray to God that he blesses your soul." Nicki said in anger.  "Ok Miss Sassy Ass, we'll  talk at lunch. "
 It was painful to sit and think about this girl that was possibly going to ruin her life. Sitting in her classes in despair. As lunch came, her and Harriet met up. "So, what is this potion shit you was talking about?" Nicki asked. Harriet took it out her lunch box. To Nicki, it was some normal bottle of water. "Girl this is fucking water!" Nicki said. "No, when you go home drink it. It's going to be a full moon tonight. Drink it at 11:11 pm. You will become a guy magnet. I mean you already are but more of a seductress." Harriet said. "I don't wanna be some slut. Forget it." Nicki said. "Then you get no Drake." "Ok gimme the damn bottle." Harriet gave Nicki the bottle.  "It's better than being single and miserable."

  Nicki went onto the bus as her first day of school was finished. She watched Drake and his new girl in jealousy. When she got off the bus, she walked in and her mother greeted her. "How was school?" her mom asked. "It was great! And I haven't talked to Drake really.@ Nicki lied. "Well ok, that's good." "I'm going to start on my homework." Nicki said. She sat in her room until night. She was looking at tv and watching the clock. By the time 11:11 came, she gulped down the potion. The full moon was out. As she drank it, she felt it. She threw the bottle on the ground. "This bitch wasn't lying." She climbed out her room window and ran from her house.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

First Day at School- Chapter 1

    It was a normal day in California. A girl lived what they called 'the good life'. She was pretty. She was a blonde girl. She goes by the name of Nicki. Yes, she was the one living the good life. She had the nicest clothing and jewerly when she goes to school. She was even the popular girl. Her story begins here.

   It was the time of year that they had to go back to school. Ever since 4th grade, she had been trying to get the man of her dreams, Drake. She always planned every summer to get the man of her dreams, before some other girl took him. Nicki was in her bedroom, picking out an outfit that she would wear on the first day back at high school. She had already had her nails done. They were pink and glittery. "I don't know what I should wear." Nicki said. Her mother walked into her room. "Nicki, excited much?" "Yes mom, I want to get the man of my dreams!" Nicki said, her voice in excitement. "Calm down. You should be more worried about your grades, even if you are living the good life." "Mom, I get amazing grades. I mean but I can't be perfect." "I understand but your grades are much more important than this boy you worried about since 4th grade." Nicki sighed. "Ok mom, I understand." "That's my girl. Now you do what you need to do and get your beauty rest." "Alright mom."

     Nicki got herself ready for another school year. She really cared about the man of her dreams. She was lucky to be best friends with him, but she wanted to go further. She turned out her room lamp and laid in the bed. She looked up at the sealing of her baby pink colored room. "I cannot wait." Nicki whispered. After five minutes, she gradually fell asleep.